BMER, Inc.

Rise of APEX: Delivers a Stunning Sequel 

The Harvest: Rise of APEX is an intense interactive immersive theater experience that literally will have its guests running non-stop out of fear for forty-five minutes. As the Harvest story continues, APEX has founded his own religion with followers, The People’s Church. This religion is based upon APEX surviving, what psychologists called, a horrific suicide attempt and deeming himself immortal. The People’s Church believes everyone can be worthy of APEX’s gift and wants to invite you to join them into a new world of eternal living.

The Harvest: Rise of APEX is a juggernaut of an adventure that the avid horror enthusiasts should not miss. Experience what it would feel like to pledge into The People’s Church and witness firsthand one of APEX’s immortal rituals. Are you worthy? That is the question the followers want to show you. They believe you are and they will do anything to convince you, even murder. Will you be convinced in partaking in their gifts or will you run and escape the cult?

Author picture is a popular horror genre site marketed to all aspects of the Horror industry. While horror is our #1 focus, we also feature extensive material on the Paranormal, Asian Horror, Cult Films, Fantasy and Extreme Action. is comprised several writers who contribute various aspects to the site.

Author picture

We believe escape rooms are the next generation of entertainment and we pride ourselves in always pushing the creativity boundaries. We are successful in orchestrating Theme Park Productions, Hollywood Movie Sets, 3D Audio Engineering and Talented Stunt Actors within the challenging scope of an Escape Room, to deliver endless interactive imaginations.